Owner Assessment Administration and Collection
- Prepare and mail all assessment billing statements and/or coupon books to homeowners
- Monitor and collect and deposit all assessment payments
- Answer homeowner inquiries regarding assessments and provide individual account statement recaps as needed
- Monitor all assessment accounts and manage collection of delinquent accounts by applying Association collection policy
- If no Association collection policy exists, can draft one for Board review and approval
- Distribute or make available the Association collection policy to membership
- Follow trigger dates for delinquent accounts and send out notices of intent to lien, notices of recordation of lien, and notice of intent to foreclose
- Can utilize full-service third-party collection agency if desired by Board
Accounts Payables Management
- Receive, review, and approve or submit to the Board for approval, all invoices submitted to the Association for payment
- Manage accounts payable expenses to ensure timely payment of all invoices, providing opportunity for approval and/or signature of Board members
- Make all disbursements from assessments collected for normal recurring expenses
- Invoice scanning and direct-submit payables to third-party bill pay provider available as desired by the Board
- Ledger and invoice reviews conducted
- Payables dispute resolution provided
Cash Control and Cash Flow Management
- Maintain checking, savings, and other investment accounts in the name of the Association
- Bank account management. Reconcile bank accounts statements at least monthly
- Maintain and update bank signature cards annually
- Secure electronic funds management
- Coordinate with bank to update our systems with cash receipts on a daily basis
- Prepare all operating funds checks for designated Board member review and signature
- Prepare any reserve funds checks for designated Board member review and signature for related to Reserve Expenditures of transfers to Operating Account
- Checks distribution to payees timely and accurately
- Proper management of all Association financial files regarding storage and access
Financial Reporting & Statements
- Prepare and furnish monthly financial statements to the Board by the 15th working day of each month which will include all income and expenses and reflect the net cash position of the Association
- Provide general ledger, income statement, and balance sheet
- Prepare detailed budget versus actual statements for income and expenses
- Provide all bank statements and their reconciliation
- Provide all cash disbursement journals
- Provide all owners assessment balances
- Provide all delinquent assessment collection reports
- Assist Board treasurer directly with financial information requested for board meeting financial reports
- Provide a year-end financial recap report to the Board
- Throughout the year, provide the Board with periodic, detailed budget versus actual income and expense reports. Guide and assist Board regarding the Associations financial performance compared to budget throughout the year. Identify cost saving opportunities for association
- Schedule budget workshops with Board in late summer to scrutinize current budgeted versus actual expenditures, and all anticipated future expenses to account for in the coming year. Study the cost trends that have occurred over time, identify any cost anomalies (spikes), and secure cost projections and contractual price escalations for the coming year from major service providers such as insurance, utilities, fire safety, managed WiFi, elevators contracts etc.
- Prepare a management recommended draft budget for Board review based on prior operating expenses, estimated future expenses, and required or needed capital reserves. Prepare draft letter to homeowners related to Board adopted annual budget
- Gain a majority affirmation of the Board to adopt the coming year budget
- Schedule and properly notice not less than 14 days prior a meeting of the Board to ratify the adopted budget for the coming year. Mail out Notice of Meeting to all homeowners of record with a copy of the letter to homeowners and the Board-adopted budget in side-by-side format contacting current year and next year numbers
Reserve Funds Analysis & Management
- Contract with professional Reserve Study preparer once every 3 years as required by law to ensure the Association has an updated Reserve Study. Review Reserve Study annually to plan for upcoming projects and Budget
- Hire only professional Reserve Study Analyst or Reserve Study Firm. Ask if dedicated industry industry professionals and/or engineers will be consulted when making conclusions on proper funding levels and end-of-life expectation and realistic replacement costs
- Reserving at inappropriate levels based on unrealistic end-of-life cost projections have been the doom of many associations
- We help to get your reserve funding right
- Monitor all reserve funds allocations often to be sure funds are actually accumulating as planned
- Discuss with Board benefits and pitfalls of moving from Straight Line reserves to Pooled Reserves
Yearly Tax Preparation/Filing & Annual Audit Preparation
- Assistance with audits and preparation/processing of tax documents, coordinate annual audit and tax return with Association CPA
- Provide Year-End compilation, reviewed, or audited financial statements to all homeowners when completed
Association Investment & Money Market Funds
- Manage operating and reserve funds accounts to ensure FDIC insured coverage, invest funds when appropriate
- Execute any CD investments, renewals, or transfers as directed by the Board
- Utilize money market accounts when appropriate
- Investment fund and rollover date monitoring to alert Board